Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Vacation Day 2

Yes, the Creation Science Museum was VERY cool!
We could have spent more than six hours there, but I think we got through the whole museum.

I want to know how the teeth got scattered around like that?
Very True... although I think we could use just one more bolt... ; )
We got to go on a helicopter tour over the ark... NO we didn't, but that would have been really neat. (if the ark was still in existence)
Yes, there were a lot of dinosaur statues. There were even some that moved around!
"Ooohh! That thing's not really... alive... is it?"
Leftover dinosaurs...
After going through the museum, we took a walk out in the garden... it was beautiful.
One of my favorites, even though they're pink flowers. ; )
Sarah and Mom think this is the best picture of me ever. I don't.

More Fish

Ok, so I had an epidemic run through my fish tank, leaving only one lonely guppy, so I went to get some more 'interesting' ones. ; ) Don't ask me what they're called...
Since getting good pictures of VERY active fish is difficult without an expensive camera, I only took photos of the slower, more calm ones. : )
My favorite guppy. He has the coolest colors and is the most fun to watch, I had to name him Dude. : ) Ha!

This is the weird one I got. Scroll down for a full view of him.

He spends a lot of time stuck on the walls and plants. : )

Now I can get back to doing our vacation posts. : )

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Better Late Than Never... Vacation Day 1

OK, so I FINALLY get a chance to get on the computer... Mom went to the store, and Sara has to grill the chicken, but I have to hurry because I have a triple batch of rolls/cinnamon rolls to make. : )
Here's the gist of what happened the first day of our vacation...

It was very sad leaving our beloved Kansas behind for a short time. : ( I missed the far off views.

We passed lots of bridges like this one on our way to and from South Carolina, including the Arkansas, Mississippi, Missouri, Ohio, and Tennessee Rivers...there might have been more.

I'm not exactly sure which river this one is, but I know it's one of the smaller ones we crossed.

Travel, travel, and some more travel. ; )

Sarah was getting a little tired of the travel herself.

It got late...

but after a while, we reached our destination... Florence, Kentucky, where we spent the next two days and nights.

More to time there's an open time slot. : )

Thursday, July 8, 2010

A few 'nothing' shots from our trip to Missouri

My favorite macro shot...
"Is something buggin' you? Don't worry, bee happy!"
: )

This was an interesting mini-pepper plant used as decoration at Precious Moments.

One of Grandmama's bird houses.

Sun peeking through the trees.

I'm debating on whether this is my favorite picture this month or not... I really like the one with the bee.

I love fire... especially when there's good scenery behind it. : )

Another fire shot...

This little guy was fun to watch/take pictures of...he blended in with every part of the tree.

The house in the background is where my aunt and uncle live... we get to stay there when we visit.

Simple, but neat in it's own way.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Our Latest Mini Vacation

We went to Grandmama and Papa's house in Missouri on July Third through the Fifth to help them get some work done in their yard and around their house.
Fun, Fun!
My first long trip in our new van... I had/got to sit in the back. : l

Luckily when I posed for this shot, nobody was around to pull the handles together. Ha! : )

Happy boy! ( ; )

If this shot had been taken sideways, it would have looked like spiderman... (that's Samuel by the way)

I was looking for the trailer eject button in this shot. ; )

I was a little shaken up after the rough ride Sam gave us.

What would I have done without my dear friend Mr. Pepper...he is so refreshing after a bit of hard work.

Yes...Rocks! We had to dig up about three truck loads of them from an old flower garden and dump them somewhere else.

After we cut out all the brush from the forest, we burned it all. We had about five brush piles to burn.
These next two pictures show the woods before we touched it, then after the work was finished.

after : )

We visited "Precious Moments" on Monday before coming home.
one of the hundreds of statues in the park

this is a castle play house that Sam Butcher (the designer of Precious Moments) built just for his grandchildren. We could only see it from afar.

Mom wanted my picture taken at Precious Moments, so I posed at the first beautiful spot I could find. (in the gift shop) ; )

We didn't buy any fireworks this year since we were working all weekend, but we did go to the firework show in Carthage, Missouri. It was about thirty minutes long, and REALLY cool.