Tuesday, July 12, 2011

My New Blue-Tailed Skink! =D

Saturday, July 2, 2011

... Long Time No See! =/

My only explanation is...
"IT'S SUMMER!!!!!!!!!!"
I've been working out at Singletree Stables this summer, and boy am I having fun! =D It's a lot of work, and I'm learning SO much about horses and people and the combination. It's AMAZING!
I LOVE IT!!! =)
My favorite part is having my horse, Glory, out there with me ALL the time! We're really starting to tune up to each other... though we have a long ways to go. =) I'm hoping to have her half way ready for some rodeos by next summer. We'll see how we do in that. Glory has the speed, the heart, the agility, and the stamina, and I think I've got enough determination to see it through, so... we'll be working hard towards that this next year.
I have taken some pictures, but unfortunately I took them all with my phone, and so haven't gotten them on the computer yet. Maybe I'll just take my camera with me next time. =)
Have a great summer you guys!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

misc. flowers and weeds

Friday, April 15, 2011

Funny or Mean???

Yes, I know it looks bad, but the puppy LOVED it... seriously, she did!!! She was so cute and just sat there in the sock like she was a caterpillar waiting to get her wings! ; )

Saturday, April 9, 2011

My horses...

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

New Dog!!!

"Sassy" is her name right now, but I think we'll be changing it soon because she doesn't respond to Sassy anyways. She's so sweet and so beautiful! She's shy, but warming up to us quickly. =) Her favorite thing in the world is... get this... PUPPIES! She just LOVES them! So cute!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Puppies - what else?

"Are you sick and tired of puppy pictures? I am!" =P

It's funny how a puppy will cry until you finally let it out of the pen, then it spends the whole time trying to play with the puppies that are INSIDE of the pen! ;D Cute!

This puppy seems to do nothing but run! =)

Aaawww! Gotta love 'em!

Yep, gotta love 'em! ; )

Friday, March 25, 2011


My AWESOME friend, who gave me this beautiful horse, sent me a picture that she had taken a while back. I LOVE it! Thanks, Briana Cook, for the GREAT picture...

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Spring has arrived!!! =D

I HAD to put a puppy picture on here!! =D

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Grandmama - please pray!

Most of you already know, but my grandmother (my dad's mom) is in the hospital right now with what the doctor's think is one of the worst cases of pneumonia they've ever seen! One of her lungs is totally filled up, and some of her other lung has some fluids in it as well. She also has the bacteria in her blood stream. =( My mom and dad left for Missouri today and will spend a few days up there in Joplin... the doctors gave my grandmother a 50/50 chance. : ( We all covet your prayers through this time. Thank you all so much!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

More puppy pics

"Anyone want to see more puppy pictures!!!!!!"
~Venus~ the ornery one.

Esther tells the puppies "It's alright puppy" and gives them kisses when they cry. =D
So cute!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Puppy Pictures!

How cute can a puppy get???
...puppy footage...
snuggling up with mom
...and each other :D SO CUTE!

It is amazing the kind of detail that God puts into even the smallest and most helpless little creatures. =D

Monday, February 28, 2011

Puppies! : )

Emmi finally delivered 7 beautiful pups this morning! : ) I'm SOOO excited!!! They're all doing well, and I'm looking forward to taking some more pictures of them soon. : )
This picture is of the first one. Isn't he cute!?!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Devotions this morning...

I read this poem in C. H. Spurgeon's Devotional Bible and really liked it. I don't know who wrote it though...
Oh, tame my tongue to peace,
And tune my heart to love;
From all reproaches may I cease,
Made harmless as a dove.
Faithful but meekly kind;
Gentle but boldly true;
I would possess the perfect mind
Which in my Lord I view.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Glory and Me

Thanks to my sister, Sarah, for taking this picture. (and off a moving horse too! ; )
You did a great job! I love it!
: )

Monday, January 31, 2011

Guess what's been going on!?!

Ok, so for some, it might not be such an amazing thing, but it is something I've been praying for for a very long time now.
The Lord finally chose to give me a gift that I don't deserve.
: )
Two horses!Glory


Briana Cook and me before we loaded them into the trailer. (They're now at my brother-in-law and sister's farm.) They(the Cooks) had the horses for about three years. They decided to give them away, and were so kind as to give them to me. They also gave me the saddles, bridles, leads, brushes, grain, etc... Wow!

Thank you Briana and Cook family!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A meaningful quote

"Power in prayer depends upon union with Jesus, and obedience to His will."
~ Charles Spurgeon ~
I'm reading through his commentary on the entire Bible for devotions... I love it! : )

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

First Snow pics

I didn't spend too much time getting any great pics of just the snow, but I did grab a couple of shots in between the dog photos.

I love how the untouched snow sparkles!

The dogs... they LOVE the snow.

Dixie likes to push her nose around in it. : )

Girls against boy... : (
Run Banjo!

He lost them... proud boy.

Now the girls will just have to fight each other...
Guess who won?

I love this last picture! : ) It is very much like all three of the dogs' personalities. Dixie is proudly in the front, with Emmi ready to go in the background, and Banjo, the laid back, yet alert king. ; )