Monday, January 31, 2011

Guess what's been going on!?!

Ok, so for some, it might not be such an amazing thing, but it is something I've been praying for for a very long time now.
The Lord finally chose to give me a gift that I don't deserve.
: )
Two horses!Glory


Briana Cook and me before we loaded them into the trailer. (They're now at my brother-in-law and sister's farm.) They(the Cooks) had the horses for about three years. They decided to give them away, and were so kind as to give them to me. They also gave me the saddles, bridles, leads, brushes, grain, etc... Wow!

Thank you Briana and Cook family!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A meaningful quote

"Power in prayer depends upon union with Jesus, and obedience to His will."
~ Charles Spurgeon ~
I'm reading through his commentary on the entire Bible for devotions... I love it! : )

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

First Snow pics

I didn't spend too much time getting any great pics of just the snow, but I did grab a couple of shots in between the dog photos.

I love how the untouched snow sparkles!

The dogs... they LOVE the snow.

Dixie likes to push her nose around in it. : )

Girls against boy... : (
Run Banjo!

He lost them... proud boy.

Now the girls will just have to fight each other...
Guess who won?

I love this last picture! : ) It is very much like all three of the dogs' personalities. Dixie is proudly in the front, with Emmi ready to go in the background, and Banjo, the laid back, yet alert king. ; )

Monday, January 10, 2011

First Snow!

: )
I was sure getting tired of all the cold, but no winter!
I'll post some snow pictures as soon as I can get them on the computer.
: )