Friday, December 11, 2009

A couple of pictures from our latest christmas program

Mom really liked this one of Amanda,
but I think it needs more of her face in it.
I probably took six or seven of these. This is the best one. I think the thing I like most about it is the plain background. (Well, I like Krista, too, know what I mean.)


  1. That one of Amanda is really cool. With the flowers right there in front and then seeing her through the strings gives it a neat affect. And of course the coloring. : ) Krista's just looks good. Impressive up high. : )
    Boy you take awesome pictures! I can't wait till I get my own camera.

  2. I agree with you that Amanda needs to show more of her face, but over all it is a great photo. Krista's is really good to. I can't wait until we can get together for some senior pictures Hannah.

  3. Thanks, but you guys take just as good, if not better, pictures than I do.
    I agree, Anna, you will have to get your own camera someday too. :)
