Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Funny : )

I just came across these pictures that were on our computer.
They're pretty funny. : )


  1. hannah,
    Those are sooooooo Funnny! I really like the one of the police men all asleep in the car!
    The one of the cat was preety funny too!
    I think the guy who did the roads needed to take aaaaaaaaaaalllllll his Spelling lessons over again!

  2. At first I couldn't figure out what the one with the stop was all about. Sarah enlightened me when she talked about the spelling. Thanks Sarah. These are so funny Hannah!

  3. HA!HA!HA!HA!HA!HA!HA!HA! I love them! I really like the one of the puppies. That is SO cute! The sleeping police men are hilarious. And your right Sarah, some guy (for we know a GIRL would never make that mistake): )really needs to redo his spelling. Are you sure that kittens real? It kinda looks like it might be stuffed. Still, it's cute. : )

  4. by the way, I love your top picture.

  5. Funny pics, Hannah! I wood bee SO embarrassed if I had been the one to rite "SOTP"! Poor guy. :-(
    Also, I really like the picture of your Christmas tree. The lighting makes it look very Victorian.
    Looking forward to seeing more posts!

  6. I really like your new photo of the month! Your top picture is really cool too!
